Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Candidate and the Cop Killer

The other day I heard Ben and Jerry are supporting Obama; they will hand out "Cherries for Change" during the Vermont Primary. This will not force me to boycott their ice cream, for I have already stopped consuming their product. I am not protesting their liberal politics, for I still listen to Bruce, but their support for cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal is a disgrace.

Based on a rough Google search it seems Obama has never embraced the free Mumia movement. This is good for him, but as a matter of character and judgment, I wonder if the Senator from Illinois wants these “Cherries for Change” distributed officially or unofficially on behalf of his candidacy by defenders of a terrorist. He should denounce their support.

Obama is also supported by one of Mumia’s most powerful boosters, Congressman Chaka Fattah, but in fairness Hillary is supported by Mumia’s favorite mayor, John Street.

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